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- 【论文】Zhang, CH ; Su, WH; Zeng, SZ:"A Two-stage subgroup Decision-making method for proc...2021-08-05
- 【论文】Chen, YF; Liu, YN:"How biased technological progress sustainably improve the energ...2021-08-04
- 【论文】俞立平:"回归盲点下高校人文社科研究效率影响因素研究——基于BP人工神经网络的分析"2021-08-04
- 【论文】Ren, XY ;Zhang, C:"Boundedness of partial difference transforms for heat semigroup...2021-08-03
- 【论文】Zhang, C :"Boundedness of differential transforms for the heat semigroup generated...2021-08-03
- 【论文】俞立平: “载文量下降下单篇论文长度与被引次数关系研究”2021-08-03
- 【论文】蔡光辉,吴志敏:"基于异方差和时变波动的Realized HAR GARCH模型研究"2021-08-03
- 【论文】Wang, JF ;Jiang, WJ;Xu, FY; Fu, WX:"Weighted composite quantile regression with ...2021-08-02
- 【论文】Hu, QQ;Wang, JD;Liang, RY:"Weighted local progressive-iterative approximation prop...2021-08-02
- 【论文】蔡光辉,廖亚琴: “基于结构突变的动态高阶矩Realized EGARCH模型及应用”2021-08-02
- 【论文】向书坚,孔晓瑞,李凯:"分享经济核算需要厘清的几个基本问题"2021-08-02
- 【论文】Chen, YF; Ma, LH ; Zhu, ZT:"The environmental-adjusted energy efficiency of Chinas...2021-08-02
- 【论文】Nie, Chun-Xiao:" Analyzing financial correlation matrix based on the eigenvector-e...2021-08-01
- 【论文】Nie, Chun-Xiao:"Dynamics of the price-volume information flow based on surrogate t...2021-08-01
- 【论文】Liu, YN ; Chen, YF :“Impact mechanism of ...”2021-08-01
- 【论文】Fang, Guanqi:"The Statistical Analysis of Multivariate Failure Time Data: A Margi....2021-08-01
- 【论文】向书坚,徐应超: “对外贸易开放、人力资本积累与企业技术创新”2021-08-01
- 【论文】张博深:“外表对国人更重要吗?——基于中外演员身高的比较实证研究”2021-08-01
- 【推荐】我院获2021年度全国统计科学研究项目5项2021-07-26
- 【推荐】我校苏为华教授为首席专家的国家社科基金重大项目成果通过免鉴定圆满结题2021-06-16