讲座题目:Hitting Probabilities and Polarity of Points for Gaussian Random Fields
主 讲 人:肖益民教授 美国密歇根州立大学
线上:腾讯会议 ID 756-342-833
2012年获聘为教育部长江讲座教授。多年连续主持美国国家自然科学基金多项,美国数理统计学会会士,SCI杂志《Statistics and Probability Letters》共同主编,同时还是许多国际一流数学杂志的审稿人,如《Annals of Probability》,《Annals of Applied Probability》,《Transactions of the AMS》, 《Probability Theory and Related Fields》, 《Journal of London Mathematical Society》等。
We provide an overview on the studies of hitting probabilities of Gaussian random fields. These problems are not only interesting in potential theory of Gaussian random fields but also useful for solving problems on intersections, collisions, and fractals properties Gaussian random fields. In particular, we present some recent results on hitting probabilities and polarity of vector-valued Gaussian random fields. These results are applicable to solutions to systems of stochastic heat and wave equations and eigenvalue processes of random matrices.
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