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期刊成果影响力提升系列讲座(一)9月8日西班牙瓦伦西亚理工大学Daniel Palacios Marqués教授我院线上讲座预告
发布日期:2022-09-06 阅读:

题目: Tips to publish in SSCI Journal



          线上:Zoom 会议链接:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86140293496?pwd=amZIdldFUDJXWno0ejVzL2NKSzIxZz09

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报告人:Daniel Palacios Marqués


为了更快速地了解国际期刊论文讨论热点、更好地提升研究生的英文写作水平、更持续地为国内外输出优秀统计学人才,特邀请西班牙瓦伦西亚理工大学的Daniel Palacios Marqués教授给本院研究生做关于在International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal(国际创新与管理)杂志上发表文章的技巧、热门话题集锦讲座。


Daniel Palacios Marques is Professor of Management at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. Editor-in-chief of Internatinal Entrepreneurship and Management Journal (Springer). Associate Editor of Journal of Knowledge Management (Emerald). Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Service Operations and Informatics (Inderscience). Director of Master in Digital Business. He has published more than 150 papers in top journals such as Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Small Business Economics, Management Decision, International Journal of Technology Management, Cornell Quarterly Management, Services Industries Journal, Service Business, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Intellectual Capital, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, International Journal of Innovation Management and International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Human Resource Management, International Journal of Project Management, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Journal of Organizational Change Management. 

上一条: 第二届浙江工商大学-中国人民大学青年统计学者联合论坛 2022-09-15
下一条: 之江统计讲坛(第14讲)9月19日浙江大学管理学院林珊珊副教授来我院线上讲座预告 2022-09-05

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