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发布日期:2022-09-20 阅读:

讲座题目Gaussian States

主 讲 人:骆顺龙




线上:腾讯会议 ID 692-705-580




       Gaussian distributions and Gaussian states are fundamental and ubiquitous in probability theory and quantum theory. In this talk, we first present an overview of Gaussian states from both classical and quantum perspectives, then we report a novel characterization of Gaussian states in quantum theory: Gaussian states coincide with the minimum uncertainty states for an information-theoretic refinement of the conventional Heisenberg uncertainty relation. This characterization sheds alternative insights into the nature of Gaussian states. Related open issues concerning discrete analogues of Gaussian states are discussed.

上一条: “数字+”与统计数据工程系列讲座(八)10月15日密西根州立大学FoundationProfessor肖益民来我院线上讲座预告 2022-10-08
下一条: “数字+”与统计数据工程系列讲座(六)9月22日中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院董昭教授来我院线上讲座预告 2022-09-20

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