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发布日期:2022-10-26 阅读:

题目:Insights into Consumers’ Perceptions of Waiting-time and Price in Advance Selling




摘要: Advance selling is a commonly applied marketing tactic and brings a variety of impacts (gain and loss) on profits. Extensive literature has been devoted to exploring how to optimize the advance selling strategy on the firm side. Yet, little investigates how consumers perceive the key information (i.e., the waiting time and price) in constructing valuations and the process of decision-making. This research first establishes the hyperbolic relationship between consumer valuation and the information. Then, based on the drift diffusion model (DDM), the computer simulation shows that, generally, consumers process the price information 28.5% faster and 20.1% earlier than the time information. Specifically, forward-looking (vs. myopic) consumers are more likely to process these two kinds of information integrally (vs. independently). The time (vs. price) information plays a larger role relative to the price (vs. time) one in forward-looking (vs. myopic) consumers’ decisions. This research enriches the understanding of consumer perception of the time and price information in advance selling and offers an accurate model for retailers to predict consumers’ valuations and choices, contributing to retailers’ application of the advance selling strategy.

报告人简介:吕栋,管理学博士,之江实验室博士后,副研究员,中国技术经济学会神经经济管理专业委员会第一届委员,主要采用数学建模与神经科学工具来开展决策行为、政策助推的基础与应用研究。已在European Journal of Marketing, Neuropsychologia等SSCI/SCI收录的知名国际期刊、中国一级学会会议和国际顶级会议上发表论文10余篇。社会服务方面,曾主笔多项浙江省立法提案,其中《浙江省综合行政执法条例》等3项提案被立案并已正式施行。

上一条: “数字+”与统计数据工程系列讲座(十五)11月3日北京师范大学陈梦根教授来我院讲座预告 2022-10-28
下一条: “数字+”与统计数据工程系列讲座(十四)11月1日杭州微引科技有限公司Dr. Peng来我院讲座预告 2022-10-26

友情链接: 浙江工商大学统计学院 |  中国人民大学统计学院 |  厦门大学计划统计系 |  中国统计学会 | 

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