讲座题目:Regression Tree Credibility Model
讲 座 人: Chengguo Weng Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science University of Waterloo, Canada
讲座时间:2017年6月22日(周四)下午15:00 -16:30
Chengguo Weng is an Associate Professor of Actuarial Science at the University of Waterloo. He has been working as an Assistant Professor in the School of Statistics and Mathematics at the Zhejiang Gongshang Universtiy during July 2004 - April 2005. He received a Ph.D. in Actuarial Science from the University of Waterloo, a Master of Mathematics and a Bachelor of Science (both in Statistics) from Zhejiang University. His research interests span a wide range of topics in actuarial science and finance, in both theoretical and applied aspects. He has published thirty papers on internationally renowned journals in relevant areas. His latest research focuses on optimal decision, stochastic modelling and predicting problems from the fields of insurance and finance. His research team are currently working on (1) Predictive analytics in insurance and risk management; (2) Portfolio selection in high dimensional settings; (3) Actuarial risk management with basis risk; (4) Portfolio selection based on performance measures; (5) Statistical inference for general stochastic optimization problems.
Credibility theory is one of the cornerstones in actuarial science and has been widely applied for insurance premium prediction. In this talk I will introduce our research for an SOA-funded project jointly with Dr. Liqun Diao (University of Waterloo). We bring regression trees techniques into the credibility theory and propose a novel credibility premium formula, which we call regression tree credibility (RTC) premium. The proposed RTC method first recursively binary partitions a collective of individual risks into exclusive sub-collectives using a regression tree algorithm based on credibility loss, and then applies the classical Bu¨hlmann-Straub credibility formula to predict individual net premiums within each sub-collective. The proposed method effectively predicts individual net premiums by incorporating covariate information in a very flexible way, and it is particularly appealing to capture various non-linear covariates effects and/or interaction effects because no specific regression form needs to be prespecified in the method. Our proposed RTC method automatically selects influential covariate variables for premium prediction with no additional ex ante variable selection procedure required. The superiority in prediction accuracy of the proposed RTC model is demonstrated by extensive simulation studies.
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