讲座题目:Measurement of Technical Inefficiency and Total Factor Productivity Growth: A Semiparametric Stochastic Input Distance Frontier Approach
主讲人:Tomas Baležentis
讲座时间:10月17日(周四)下午 16:00-17:30
立陶宛农业经济研究所首席专家,先后获得维尔纽斯大学和哥本哈根大学经济学博士学位,主要研究领域为多目标决策、效率分析等。目前,他已发表学术论文80余篇,其中包括European Journal of Operational Research,Journal of Productivity Analysis等SSCI期刊数十余篇,出版专著4本。
This presents a four-component stochastic frontier model in which the frontier function is represented by an unknown smooth input distance function, and inefficiency is decomposed into persistent and transient inefficiencies. Furthermore, the pre-truncation mean and variance of the transient inefficiency are functions of the environmental variables. By differentiating the four-component input distance frontier with respect to the time trend, TFP growth is estimated under the semiparametric smooth coefficient framework, and is decomposed into six components, i.e., technical change, scale component, allocative component, external component, efficiency change, and residual component. The empirical example focuses on multiple outputs.
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