讲座题目:Improved Horvitz-Thompson estimator and related theory of model-assisted estimation in survey sampling
主讲人:邹国华 首都师范大学
主要从事统计学的理论研究及其在经济金融、生物医学中的应用研究工作,在统计模型选择与平均、抽样调查的设计与分析、决策函数的优良性、疾病与基因的关联分析等方面的研究中取得了一系列重要成果,得到了国内外同行的好评与肯定(例如,他关于抽样设计可容许性的研究,被陈希孺院士在其著作《高等数理统计学》(1999) 中评述到: 前引邹—冯文章(1995,《科学通报》)用一种精巧的构造法证明了, ……, 从而彻底解决了方案p* 的容许性),并被广泛引用。共出版教材1本,在《中国科学》、Biometrika、Genetics、Journal of Econometrics、Journal of the American Statistical Association等国内外顶级期刊上发表论文110余篇;主持或参加过二十多项国家自然科学基金项目以及全国性的实际课题,提出的预测方法被实际部门所采用。
The Horvitz-Thompson (HT) estimator is widely used in survey sampling. However, the variance of the HT estimator becomes large when the inclusion probabilities are highly heterogeneous. To overcome this shortcoming, in this paper, a hard-threshold method is used for the first-order inclusion probabilities, that is, we carefully choose a threshold value, then replace the small inclusion probabilities by the threshold. By this shrinkage strategy, we propose a novel estimator called improved Horvitz-Thompson (IHT) estimator to estimate the population total. The IHT estimator increases the estimation accuracy although it brings bias which is relatively small. We derive the IHT estimator's MSE and its unbiased estimator, and theoretically compare the IHT estimator with the HT estimator. We also apply our idea to construct the improved ratio and regression estimators. We numerically analyze simulated and real data sets to illustrate that the proposed estimators are more efficient and robust than the classical estimators.
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