讲座主题:Maximizing an insurer's firm value with random time solvency regulations by dividend and reinsurance
讲座时间:2020.12.21 13:30-14:30
讲座摘要:In this talk, we investigates optimal dividend and reinsurance policies for an insurer who subjects to random time solvency regulations. The goal of the insurer is to maximize the firm value of the insurance company when the regulatory time arrives. The firm value consists of three amounts: the present value of cumulated dividends up to the regulatory time or ruin time, the present value of the insurer's brand value and the surplus at the regulatory time. We identify the insurer’s joint optimal strategies using stochastic control methods. The results reveal that the optimal dividend and reinsurance polices as well as the maximal firm value exhibit three different forms, according to the possible range of brand value.
友情链接: 浙江工商大学统计学院 | 中国人民大学统计学院 | 厦门大学计划统计系 | 中国统计学会 |
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