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发布日期:2021-05-24 阅读:

讲座主题: Ultra-high dimensional partially linear single-index quantile regression with missing observations







       In this talk, we focus on the partially linear single-index quantile regression, where both of linear and single-index parameters are ultra-high dimensional, and observations are missing at random, which allows the response or covariates or response and covariates simultaneously missing. Approximating the unknown link function with B-spline basis functions, we explore the properties of the oracle estimators of the parameters under the linear and single-index coefficient vectors are sparse and allow their number diverging as increasing of the sample size. At the same time, we study variable selection by applying the SCAD penalty, and prove the oracle property of the non-convex penalized estimators. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed methods, a Monte Carlo simulation and real data analysis are conducted.

上一条: 5月28日上海海事大学范国良教授来我院讲座预告 2021-05-24
下一条: 5月28日浙江大学蔺宏伟教授来我院讲座预告 2021-05-21

友情链接: 浙江工商大学统计学院 |  中国人民大学统计学院 |  厦门大学计划统计系 |  中国统计学会 | 

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