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【论文】陈秀平,蔡光辉:“Asymptotic Optimality of the Nonnegative Garrote Estimator Under Heteroscedastic...”
发布日期:2020-05-01 阅读:

Chen, Xiuping, Cai,Guanghui,et al. "Asymptotic Optimality of the Nonnegative Garrote Estimator Under Heteroscedastic Errors." Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 33 (2020): 545-562.

上一条: 【论文】郭宝才:“Exact two‐sided tolerance interval controlling tail proportions for sample variances” 2020-05-01
下一条: 【论文】陈娟:“区域创业、空间溢出与经济增长效应研究” 2020-05-01

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