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【论文】Chen, TG; Peng, LJ ; Yang, JJ :"Modeling, simulation, and case analysis of COVID-19 over..."
发布日期:2021-08-13 阅读:

Chen, TG; Peng, LJ ; Yang, JJ.Modeling, simulation, and case analysis of COVID-19 over network public opinion formation with individual internal factors and external information characteristics.CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE.

上一条: 【论文】范国良,饶诗文,王江峰: "缺失数据下变系数部分非线性测量误差模型的经验似然估计" 2021-08-13
下一条: 【论文】Liu, Y;Chen, ZL;Fu, KA:"Asymptotics for a time-dependent renewal risk model with subexpone..." 2021-08-12

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