题目:New Semiparametric Estimation and Forecasting of High-Dimensional Dynamic Time Series
主讲人:英国约克大学 李德柜 教授
时 间:2018年6月28日(周四)15:00-16:00
地 点:综合楼601会议室
摘 要:In this talk, we introduce a flexible and easy-to-implement semiparametric approach to estimate and forecast high-dimensional time series data. This is conducted by a novel technique of Model Averaging MArginal Regression (MAMAR) with the weights chosen through a two-stage semiparametric method. Both the large-sample theory and practical application of the proposed estimation and forecasting method are given in the talk. We further study a challenging case where the number of time series variables may exceed the time series length, and combine the developed MAMAR method with the shrinkage and factor modelling approaches to achieve dimension reduction and then construct feasible estimation and prediction. Finally, we discuss the application of the MAMAR approach in estimating the large dynamic covariance matrix. This talk is based on some joint research projects with J. Chen (Economics, York), O. Linton (Economics, Cambridge) and Z. Lu (Statistics, Southampton).
主讲人简介:李德柜,英国约克大学数学系统计学教授,2008年获浙江大学理学博士学位,曾在澳大利亚阿德莱德大学经济系和莫纳什大学商学院从事博士后研究。主要的研究领域包括非参数统计学,(非平稳)时间序列分析,面板数据建模,稳健统计量,高维统计学和计量经济学,并有数十篇论文发表于国际顶级统计学和计量经济学刊物如Annals of Statistics,Journal of the American Statistical Association,Journal of Econometrics等。2011年获澳大利亚科研委员会DECRA奖。
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