讲座题目:The disruptive power of digital technologies and the strategic need for Innovation ecosystems
主讲人:Prof dr Wim Vanhaverbeke 英国萨里商学院
Wim Vanhaverbeke is professor Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Surrey Business School (UK). He is also visiting professor at ESADE Business School (Barcelona) and till recently at the National Iniversity of Singapore. His current research is focusing on open innovation in SMEs, innovation ecosystems and digital strategies. He published in different international journals such as Organization Science, Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, California Management Review, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Small Business Economics, Journal of Business Venturing, Technovation, etc. He was co-editor with Henry Chesbrough and Joel West of “Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm” (OUP, 2006) and “New frontiers in open innovation” (OUP, 2014). Furthermore, he published a management book “Managing open innovation in SMEs” (CUP-2017) and an academic volume “Researching open innovation in SMEs” (World Scientific Press-2018). He was appointed as member of the Advisory Committee of the Research Center for Technological Innovation of the Tsinghua University from April 2018 till March 2021.
I focus on the potentially disruptive power of digital technologies, the business model innovations that incumbents have to develop to cope with these technologies and the innovation ecosystems that have to be established to bring the BM innovation into life. Companies are increasingly developing new businesses using external sources of knowledge; they use open innovation and open business models to create new businesses to turn digital technologies into business opportunities. More specifically, I will focus on particular cases of open innovation and digital transformation in different types of organizations. I will explore the strengths and weaknesses of innovation ecosystems strategies, and how companies have to organize an innovation ecosystem to change their business models. The establishment and orchestration of such ecosystems is novel to many firms. I explore this topic using cases of some forward thinking industrial companies.
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