讲座题目:Introduction to RAPPOR (Randomized Aggregatable Privacy-Preserving Ordinal Response)
主讲人:吴尚武教授 佛罗里达大学
吴尚武,美国康奈尔大学统计学博士,现任美国佛罗里达大学生物统计系教授,副系主任,佛罗里达大学老年人独立能力研究中心生物统计基础部主任,美国荣军部残疾与康复研究中心生物统计基础部主任。长期从事统计学专业教学和统计理论与应用研究,主要方向为医学试验设计,并将其研究扩展到军事、数据安全、社保、体育等其他相关领域,在New England Journal of Medicine、Annals of statistics 、Biometrika、Statistical methods in medical research、Statistics in Medicine、Mathematical Scientist等国际顶级期刊发表高水平学术论文150余篇,承担课题17项,课题经费总计3822万美元。
Collecting and sharing data for sensitive topics, such as income, age, sex partners, drug use, HIV infection, stigma, and religion, has been a long-standing challenge. In this talk, we introduce a range of methods for privacy-preserving data collection and sharing. After a review of the classic randomized response techniques and related extensions, we present a new privacy-preserving data collection method (RAPPOR) recently developed by a Google research team. In addition to an introduction to the theory and principles, examples are used to illustrate the procedures in applying the method in practice.
友情链接: 浙江工商大学统计学院 | 中国人民大学统计学院 | 厦门大学计划统计系 | 中国统计学会 |
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