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发布日期:2018-05-16 阅读:

讲座主题: An Introduction to Operator Fractional  Brownian Motions 





2012年获聘为教育部长江讲座教授。多年连续主持美国国家自然科学基金多项,美国数理统计学会会士,SCI杂志Statistics and  Probability Letters共同主编,同时还是许多国际一流数学杂志的审稿人,如Annals of  Probability》,《Annals of  Applied Probability》,《Transactions of  the AMS, Probability Theory and Related Fields, Journal of London  Mathematical Society等。

摘要:Operator fractional Brownian  motions form a class of multivariate (or vector-valued) Gaussian processes with  stationary increments and operator-self-similarity. They arise naturally as  scaling limits of multivariate time series and have been studied rigorously in  probability theory and in statistics. Even though a lot of progress has been  made, there are still many open problems regarding their probabilistic  properties and statistical inferences. 

In this talk, I will provide an  introduction to operator fractional Brownian motions and discuss their basic  properties such as operator self-similarity, modulus of continuity, fractal  dimensions. I will also describe some recent work in the statistics literature  about the estimation problems for operator fractional Brownian motions.   

上一条: 5月18日杭州电子科技大学经济学院王文胜教授来我院讲学预告 2018-05-16
下一条: 南开大学统计研究院李忠华副教授应邀来我院讲学 2018-05-15

友情链接: 浙江工商大学统计学院 |  中国人民大学统计学院 |  厦门大学计划统计系 |  中国统计学会 | 

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